1.The Comedies of TerencePublius Terentius Afer[wiki]
2.The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol 2 (of 2)Harry Furniss[wiki]
3.Home Life in Colonial DaysAlice Morse Earle[wiki]
4.The Young MinerHoratio Alger, Jr.[wiki]
5.King CandaulesTheophile Gautier[wiki]
6.The Doctor of PimlicoWilliam Le Queux[wiki]
7.The Hunters of the OzarkEdward S. Ellis[wiki]
8.A Book for All ReadersAinsworth Rand Spofford[wiki]
9.The Book-Hunter in LondonWilliam Roberts[wiki]
10.Rational Horse-ShoeingJohn E. Russell[wiki]