[The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett]@TWC D-Link book
The Secret Garden


"No one ever told me he had a boy! Why didn't they ?" "Come here," he said, still keeping his strange eyes fixed on her with an anxious expression.
She came close to the bed and he put out his hand and touched her.
"You are real, aren't you ?" he said.

"I have such real dreams very often.

You might be one of them." Mary had slipped on a woolen wrapper before she left her room and she put a piece of it between his fingers.
"Rub that and see how thick and warm it is," she said.

"I will pinch you a little if you like, to show you how real I am.

For a minute I thought you might be a dream too." "Where did you come from ?" he asked.
"From my own room.

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