[The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett]@TWC D-Link book
The Secret Garden


It's a big place and you may go where you like and amuse yourself as you like.

Is there anything you want ?" as if a sudden thought had struck him.

"Do you want toys, books, dolls ?" "Might I," quavered Mary, "might I have a bit of earth ?" In her eagerness she did not realize how queer the words would sound and that they were not the ones she had meant to say.

Mr.Craven looked quite startled.
"Earth!" he repeated.

"What do you mean ?" "To plant seeds in--to make things grow--to see them come alive," Mary faltered.
He gazed at her a moment and then passed his hand quickly over his eyes.
"Do you--care about gardens so much," he said slowly.
"I didn't know about them in India," said Mary.

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