[Massacres Of The South (1551-1815) VI by Alexandre Dumas Pere]@TWC D-Link book
Massacres Of The South (1551-1815) VI


Once arrived there, he determined to brave the storm and encounter Ali openly.
Endowed by nature with a noble presence and with masculine firmness, Pacho Bey possessed also the valuable gift of speaking all the various tongues of the Ottoman Empire.

He could not fail to distinguish himself in the capital and to find an opening for his great talents.

But his inclination drove him at first to seek his fellow-exiles from Epirus, who were either his old companions in arms, friends, or relations, for he was allied to all the principal families, and was even, through his wife, nearly connected with his enemy, Ali Pacha himself.
He had learnt what this unfortunate lady had already endured on his account, and feared that she would suffer yet more if he took active measures against the pacha.

While he yet hesitated between affection and revenge, he heard that she had died of grief and misery.

Now that despair had put an end to uncertainty, he set his hand to the work.
At this precise moment Heaven sent him a friend to console and aid him in his vengeance, a Christian from AEtolia, Paleopoulo by name.

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