[Massacres Of The South (1551-1815) VI by Alexandre Dumas Pere]@TWC D-Link bookMassacres Of The South (1551-1815) VI CHAPTER VII 26/30
This was what Ali wanted, who profited thereby in having the fugitive's track followed up, and soon got wind of his retreat.
As Pacho Bey's innocence had been proved in the explanations given to the Porte, the death firman obtained against him became useless, and Ali affected to abandon him to his fate, in order the better to conceal the new plot he was conceiving against him. Athanasius Vaya, chief assassin of the Kardikiotes, to whom Ali imparted his present plan for the destruction of Ismail, begged for the honour of putting it into execution, swearing that this time Ismail should not escape.
The master and the instrument disguised their scheme under the appearance of a quarrel, which astonished the whole town.
At the end of a terrible scene which took place in public, Ali drove the confidant of his crimes from the palace, overwhelming him with insults, and declaring that were Athanasius not the son of his children's foster-mother, he would have sent him to the gibbet.
He enforced his words by the application of a stick, and Vaya, apparently overwhelmed by terror and affliction, went round to all the nobles of the town, vainly entreating them to intercede for him.
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