[Massacres Of The South (1551-1815) VI by Alexandre Dumas Pere]@TWC D-Link book
Massacres Of The South (1551-1815) VI


I shall return this evening, and you can consider your errand as accomplished." The kapidgi-bachi made a sign of comprehension, and directed his course towards Drama; while Ismail, fearing that the Nazir, who had only known him a short time, would sacrifice him with the usual Turkish indifference, fled in the opposite direction.

At the end of an hour he encountered a Bulgarian monk, with whom he exchanged clothes--a disguise which enabled him to traverse Upper Macedonia in safety.

Arriving at the great Servian convent in the mountains whence the Axius takes its rise, he obtained admission under an assumed name.

But feeling sure of the discretion of the monks, after a few days he explained his situation to them.
Ali, learning the ill-success of his latest stratagem, accused the Nazir of conniving at Pacho Bey's escape.

But the latter easily justified himself with the Divan by giving precise information of what had really occurred.

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