[Massacres Of The South (1551-1815) VI by Alexandre Dumas Pere]@TWC D-Link bookMassacres Of The South (1551-1815) VI CHAPTER VII 21/30
Hollow trees were sounded, walls pulled down, the most unlikely corners examined, and a skeleton which was discovered still girt with a belt containing Venetian sequins was gathered up with the utmost care.
The archons of the town were arrested and tortured in the hope of discovering buried treasure, the clue to which had disappeared along with the owners.
One of these magistrates, accused of having hidden some valuable objects, was plunged up to his shoulders in a boiler full of melted lead and boiling oil.
Old men, women, children, rich and poor alike, were interrogated, beaten, and compelled to abandon the last remains of their property in order to save their lives. Having thus decimated the few inhabitants remaining to the town, it became necessary to repeople it.
With this object in view, Ali's emissaries overran the villages of Thessaly, driving before them all the people they met in flocks, and compelling them to settle in Arta.
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