[History of Friedrich II. of Prussia<br> Vol. XXI. (of XXI.) by Thomas Carlyle]@TWC D-Link book
History of Friedrich II. of Prussia
Vol. XXI. (of XXI.)


There is really fine high-colored painting in Rulhiere! and you hope always he will let you into the secret of the matter: but the sad fact is, he never does.

He merely loses himself in picturesque details, philosophic eloquences, elegancies; takes you to a Castle of Choczim, a Monastery of Czenstochow, a Bay of Tschesme, and lets off extensive fire-works that contain little or no shot; leads you on trackless marches, inroads or outroads, through the Lithuanian Peat-bogs, on daring adventures and hair-breadth escapes of mere Pulawski, Potocki and the like;--had not got to understand the matter himself, you perceive: how hopeless to make you understand it!" English readers, however, have no other shift; the rest of the Books I have seen,--_Histoire des Revolutions de Pologne;_ [1778 (A WARSOVIE, ET SE TROUVE A PARIS), 2 vols.

8vo.] _Histoire des Trois Demembremens de la Pologne;_ [Anonymous (by one FERRAND, otherwise unknown to me), Paris, 1820, 3 vols.

8vo.] _Letters on Poland;_ [Anonymous (by a "Reverend Mr.Lindsey," it would seem), LETTERS CONCERNING THE PRESENT STATE OF POLAND, TOGETHER WITH &c.

(London, 1773; 1 vol.8vo): of these LETTERS, or at least of Reverend Lindsey, Author of them, "Tutor to King Stanislaus's Nephew," and a man of painfully loud loose tongue, there may perhaps be mention afterwards.] and many more,--are not worth mentioning at all.

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