[Dracula by Bram Stoker]@TWC D-Link book


Think, dear, that there have been times when brave men have killed their wives and their womenkind, to keep them from falling into the hands of the enemy.

Their hands did not falter any the more because those that they loved implored them to slay them.

It is men's duty towards those whom they love, in such times of sore trial! And oh, my dear, if it is to be that I must meet death at any hand, let it be at the hand of him that loves me best.

Dr.Van Helsing, I have not forgotten your mercy in poor Lucy's case to him who loved." She stopped with a flying blush, and changed her phrase, "to him who had best right to give her peace.

If that time shall come again, I look to you to make it a happy memory of my husband's life that it was his loving hand which set me free from the awful thrall upon me." "Again I swear!" came the Professor's resonant voice.
Mrs.Harker smiled, positively smiled, as with a sigh of relief she leaned back and said, "And now one word of warning, a warning which you must never forget.

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