[Dracula by Bram Stoker]@TWC D-Link book


When, however, her husband mentioned casually that she was sleeping so soundly that he could not wake her, we went to her room to see for ourselves.

She was breathing naturally and looked so well and peaceful that we agreed that the sleep was better for her than anything else.

Poor girl, she has so much to forget that it is no wonder that sleep, if it brings oblivion to her, does her good.
Later .-- Our opinion was justified, for when after a refreshing sleep of some hours she woke up, she seemed brighter and better than she had been for days.

At sunset she made the usual hypnotic report.
Wherever he may be in the Black Sea, the Count is hurrying to his destination.

To his doom, I trust! 26 October .-- Another day and no tidings of the Czarina Catherine.

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