[Dracula by Bram Stoker]@TWC D-Link book


So far there is much that is strange.

Wait you with me outside, unseen and unheard, and things much stranger are yet to be.

So," here he shut the dark slide of his lantern, "now to the outside." He opened the door, and we filed out, he coming last and locking the door behind him.
Oh! But it seemed fresh and pure in the night air after the terror of that vault.

How sweet it was to see the clouds race by, and the passing gleams of the moonlight between the scudding clouds crossing and passing, like the gladness and sorrow of a man's life.

How sweet it was to breathe the fresh air, that had no taint of death and decay.
How humanizing to see the red lighting of the sky beyond the hill, and to hear far away the muffled roar that marks the life of a great city.

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