[Dracula by Bram Stoker]@TWC D-Link book


I could see even Arthur's face grow hard as he looked.

Presently he said to Van Helsing, "Is this really Lucy's body, or only a demon in her shape ?" "It is her body, and yet not it.

But wait a while, and you shall see her as she was, and is." She seemed like a nightmare of Lucy as she lay there, the pointed teeth, the blood stained, voluptuous mouth, which made one shudder to see, the whole carnal and unspirited appearance, seeming like a devilish mockery of Lucy's sweet purity.

Van Helsing, with his usual methodicalness, began taking the various contents from his bag and placing them ready for use.

First he took out a soldering iron and some plumbing solder, and then small oil lamp, which gave out, when lit in a corner of the tomb, gas which burned at a fierce heat with a blue flame, then his operating knives, which he placed to hand, and last a round wooden stake, some two and a half or three inches thick and about three feet long.

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