[The Monk; a romance by M. G. Lewis]@TWC D-Link book
The Monk; a romance


When She now found her Friend and Advocate restored to her, She looked upon her as a Gift from Heaven; She ventured to cherish the hope of being united to Lorenzo, and resolved to use with him his Sister's influence.
Supposing that before her death Agnes might possibly have made the proposal, the Duke had placed all his Nephew's hints of marriage to Virginia's account: Consequently, He gave them the most favourable reception.

On returning to his Hotel, the relation given him of Antonia's death, and Lorenzo's behaviour on the occasion, made evident his mistake.

He lamented the circumstances; But the unhappy Girl being effectually out of the way, He trusted that his designs would yet be executed.

'Tis true that Lorenzo's situation just then ill-suited him for a Bridegroom.

His hopes disappointed at the moment when He expected to realize them, and the dreadful and sudden death of his Mistress had affected him very severely.

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