[History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom by Andrew Dickson White]@TWC D-Link book
History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom


9 and 10, a drawing representing the whole Babylonian scheme so closely followed in the Hebrew book Genesis.

See also Lukas, Die Grundbegriffe in den Kosmogonien der alten Volker, Leipsic, 1893, for a most thorough summing up of the whole subject, with texts showing the development of Hebrew out of Chaldean and Egyptian conceptions, pp.
44, etc.; also pp.

127 et seq.

For the early view in India and Persia, see citations from the Vedas and the Zend-Avesta in Lethaby, Architecture, Mysticism, and Myth, chap.i.For the Egyptian view, see Champollion; also Lenormant, Histoire Ancienne, Maspero, and others.

As to the figures of the heavens upon the ceilings of Egyptian temples, see Maspero, Archeologie Egyptienne, Paris, 1890; and for engravings of them, see Lepsius, Denkmaler, vol.i, Bl.

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