[The Miracle Mongers<br> an Expos by Harry Houdini]@TWC D-Link book
The Miracle Mongers
an Expos


Some performers prefer a small piece of punk, as it requires no preparation.

Still others use tinder made by burning linen rags, as our forefathers used to do.

This will not flame, but merely smoulders until the breath blows it into a glow.
The tinder is made by charring linen rags, that is, burning them to a crisp, but stopping the combustion before they are reduced to ashes.
Flames from the lips may be produced by holding in the mouth a sponge saturated with the purest gasoline.

When the breath is exhaled sharply it can be lighted from a torch or a candle.

Closing the lips firmly will extinguish the flame.

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