[The Miracle Mongers<br> an Expos by Harry Houdini]@TWC D-Link book
The Miracle Mongers
an Expos


Some physicians at Paris got him blooded; the blood had little or no serum, and in two hours time it became as fragile as coral.
He was unable to pronounce more than a few words, such as Oui, Non, Caillou, Bon.

"He has been taught," adds the pious father, evidently pleased with the docility of his interesting pupil, "to make the sign of the cross, and was baptized some months ago in the church of St.
Come, at Paris.

THE RESPECT HE SHOWS TO ECCLESIASTICS AND HIS READY DISPOSITION TO PLEASE THEM, afforded me the opportunity of satisfying myself as to all these particulars; and I AM FULLY CONVINCED THAT HE IS NO CHEAT." Here is the advertisement of a stone-eater who appeared in England in 1788.
An Extraordinary Stone-Eater The Original STONE-EATER The Only One in the World, Has arrived, and means to perform this, and every day (Sunday excepted) at Mr.Hatch's, trunk maker, 404 Strand, opposite Adelphi.
STONE-EATING and STONE-SWALLOWING And after the stones are swallowed may be heard to clink in the belly, the same as in a pocket.
The present is allowed to be the age of Wonders and Improvements in the Arts.

The idea of Man's flying in the Air, twenty years ago, before the discovery of the use of the balloon, would have been laughed at by the most credulous! Nor does the History of Nature afford so extraordinary a relation as that of the man's eating and subsisting on pebbles, flints, tobacco pipes and mineral excrescences; but so it is and the Ladies and Gentlemen of this Metropolis and its vicinity have now an opportunity of witnessing this extraordinary Fact by seeing the Most Wonderful Phenomenon of the Age, who Grinds and Swallows stones, etc., with as much ease as a Person would crack a nut, and masticate the kernel.
This Extraordinary Stone-eater appears not to suffer the least Inconvenience from so ponderous, and to all other persons in the World, so indigestible a Meal, which he repeats from twelve at noon to seven.
Any Lady or Gentleman may bring Black Flints or Pebbles with them.

B .-- His Merit is fully demonstrated by Dr.Monroe, who in his Medical Commentary, 1772, and several other Gentlemen of the Faculty.

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