[The Miracle Mongers<br> an Expos by Harry Houdini]@TWC D-Link book
The Miracle Mongers
an Expos


The camera will click; nothing will appear on the developed film; and this, the performer will glibly explain, "proves" that the whole company of onlookers was hypnotized! And he can be certain of a very profitable following to defend and advertise him.
So I do not feel that I need to apologize for adding another volume to the shelves of works dealing with the marvels of the miracle-mongers.
My business has given me an intimate knowledge of stage illusions, together with many years of experience among show people of all types.
My familiarity with the former, and what I have learned of the psychology of the latter, has placed me at a certain advantage in uncovering the natural explanation of feats that to the ignorant have seemed supernatural.

And even if my readers are too well informed to be interested in my descriptions of the methods of the various performers who have seemed to me worthy of attention in these pages, I hope they will find some amusement in following the fortunes and misfortunes of all manner of strange folk who once bewildered the wise men of their day.

If I have accomplished that much, I shall feel amply repaid for my labor.

Fire worship .-- Fire eating and heat resistance .-- The Middle Ages .-- Among the Navajo Indians .-- Fire-walkers of Japan .-- The Fiery Ordeal of Fiji II.

Watton's Ship-swabber from the Indies.-Richardson, 1667 .-- De Heiterkeit, 1713 .-- Robert Powell, 1718-1780 .-- Dufour, 1783 .-- Quackensalber, 1794 III.

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