[The Harvester by Gene Stratton Porter]@TWC D-Link book
The Harvester


Slowly he drove on until he came to the first house, and there he stopped and went in.

He saw the child of the previous day, and as she came forward her mother appeared in the doorway.
The Harvester explained who he was and that he was examining the woods in search of some almost extinct herbs he needed in his business.
Then he told of having been at the adjoining farm the day before and mentioned the sick woman.

He added that later she had died.

He casually mentioned that a young woman there seemed pale and ill and wondered if the neighbours would see her through.

He suggested that the place appeared as if the owner did not take much interest, and when the woman finished with Henry Jameson, he said how very important it seemed to him that some good, kind-hearted soul should go and mother the poor girl, and the woman thought she was the very person.

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