[The Harvester by Gene Stratton Porter]@TWC D-Link book
The Harvester


Dream of it, make up your mind to it, because it's coming.

I have a little streak of second sight, and I see it on the way." "You are talking wildly," said the Girl, "else you are a good genie trying to conjure a room for me." "This room I am talking of is ready whenever you want to take possession," said the Harvester.

"Accept it as a reality, because I tell you I know where it is, that it is waiting, and you can earn your way into it with no obligation to any one." The Girl stretched out her right hand and slowly turned and opened and closed it.

Then she glanced at the Harvester with a weary smile.
"From somewhere I feel a glimmering of the spirit, but Oh, dear Lord, the flesh is weak!" she said.
"That's where nourishing foods, appetizing drinks, plenty of pure, fresh air, and good water come in.

Now we have talked enough for one day, and worked too much.

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