[The Harvester by Gene Stratton Porter]@TWC D-Link book
The Harvester


As soon as you can arrange for work, I want to tell you about some designs I have studied out from different things, show you the plants and insects, and have you make some samples.

I'll send them to proper places, and see what experts say about the ideas and drawing.

Work in the woods is healthful, with proper precautions; it's easy compared with the exactions of being bound to sewing or embroidering in the confinement of a room; it's vividly interesting in the search for new subjects, changes of material, and differing harmonious combinations; it's truly artistic; and it brings the prices high grade stuff always does." "Almost you give me hope," said the Girl.

"Almost, Man----almost! Since mother died, I haven't thought or planned beyond paying for the medicine she took and the shelter she lies in.

Oh I didn't mean to say that----!" She buried her face in her hands.

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