[W. T. Sherman<br> P. H. Sheridan<br>Memoirs of Three Civil War Generals by U. S. Grant]@TWC D-Link book
W. T. Sherman
P. H. Sheridan
Memoirs of Three Civil War Generals


Most of my neighbors had known me as an officer of the army with Whig proclivities.

They had been on the same side, and, on the death of their party, many had become Know-Nothings, or members of the American party.

There was a lodge near my new home, and I was invited to join it.

I accepted the invitation; was initiated; attended a meeting just one week later, and never went to another afterwards.
I have no apologies to make for having been one week a member of the American party; for I still think native-born citizens of the United States should have as much protection, as many privileges in their native country, as those who voluntarily select it for a home.

But all secret, oath-bound political parties are dangerous to any nation, no matter how pure or how patriotic the motives and principles which first bring them together.

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