P. H. Sheridan Memoirs of Three Civil War Generals by U. S. Grant]@TWC D-Link book P. H. Sheridan Memoirs of Three Civil War Generals 12/28 The contest was really between Mr.Breckinridge and Mr.Lincoln; between minority rule and rule by the majority. I wanted, as between these candidates, to see Mr.Lincoln elected. Excitement ran high during the canvass, and torch-light processions enlivened the scene in the generally quiet streets of Galena many nights during the campaign. I did not parade with either party, but occasionally met with the "wide awakes" -- Republicans--in their rooms, and superintended their drill. It was evident, from the time of the Chicago nomination to the close of the canvass, that the election of the Republican candidate would be the signal for some of the Southern States to secede. |