[W. T. Sherman P. H. Sheridan Memoirs of Three Civil War Generals by U. S. Grant]@TWC D-Link bookW. T. Sherman P. H. Sheridan Memoirs of Three Civil War Generals CHAPTER XVI 11/28
He lived until September, 1861, when he succumbed to that insidious disease which always flatters its victims into the belief that they are growing better up to the close of life.
A more honorable man never transacted business.
In September, 1861, I was engaged in an employment which required all my attention elsewhere. During the eleven months that I lived in Galena prior to the first call for volunteers, I had been strictly attentive to my business, and had made but few acquaintances other than customers and people engaged in the same line with myself.
When the election took place in November, 1860, I had not been a resident of Illinois long enough to gain citizenship and could not, therefore, vote.
I was really glad of this at the time, for my pledges would have compelled me to vote for Stephen A.Douglas, who had no possible chance of election.
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