[W. T. Sherman P. H. Sheridan Memoirs of Three Civil War Generals by U. S. Grant]@TWC D-Link bookW. T. Sherman P. H. Sheridan Memoirs of Three Civil War Generals CHAPTER XVI 10/28
Four millions of human beings held as chattels have been liberated; the ballot has been given to them; the free schools of the country have been opened to their children.
The nation still lives, and the people are just as free to avoid social intimacy with the blacks as ever they were, or as they are with white people. While living in Galena I was nominally only a clerk supporting myself and family on a stipulated salary.
In reality my position was different.
My father had never lived in Galena himself, but had established my two brothers there, the one next younger than myself in charge of the business, assisted by the youngest.
When I went there it was my father's intention to give up all connection with the business himself, and to establish his three sons in it: but the brother who had really built up the business was sinking with consumption, and it was not thought best to make any change while he was in this condition.
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