[W. T. Sherman<br> P. H. Sheridan<br>Memoirs of Three Civil War Generals by U. S. Grant]@TWC D-Link book
W. T. Sherman
P. H. Sheridan
Memoirs of Three Civil War Generals


Just inside the open end of the oven the floor was scooped out so as to make a hole that would hold a bucket or two of water.

These ovens were always built on the banks of a stream, a big spring, or pool of water.

When a patient required a bath, a fire was built near the oven and a pile of stones put upon it.

The cavity at the front was then filled with water.

When the stones were sufficiently heated, the patient would draw himself into the oven; a blanket would be thrown over the open end, and hot stones put into the water until the patient could stand it no longer.

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