6/17 My name is Woodseer, if ever we meet again.' Chillon nodded a hurried good-bye, without a thought of giving his name in return. But Carinthia had thrown herself on the grass. Her brother asked her in dismay if she was tired. She murmured to him: 'I should like to hear more English.' 'My dear girl, you'll have enough of it in two or three weeks.' 'Should we leave a good deed half done, Chillon ?' 'He shall have our guide.' 'He may not be rich.' 'I'll pay Anton to stick to him.' 'Brother, he has an objection to guides.' Chillon cast hungry eyes on his watch: 'Five minutes, then.' He addressed Mr.Woodseer, who was reposing, indifferent to time, hard-by: 'Your objection to guides might have taught you a sharp lesson. It 's like declining to have a master in studying a science--trusting to instinct for your knowledge of a bargain. |