[Sandra Belloni by George Meredith]@TWC D-Link book
Sandra Belloni


Where law is established, or tolerably secure, the knife is not used.

Duels are rare.

There is too much bonhomie for the point of honour." "I should like to believe that all men are as just to their mistresses," Lady Charlotte sighed, mock-earnestly.
Presently Emilia touched the arm of Mr.Powys.She looked agitated.

"I want to be told the name of that gentleman." His eyes were led to rest on the handsome hussar-captain.
"Do you know him ?" "But his name!" "Do me the favour to look at me.

Captain Gambier." "It is!" Captain Gambier's face was resolutely kept in profile to her.
"I hear a rumour," said Lady Gosstre to Arabella, "that you think of bidding for the Besworth estate.

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