[A Romance of Two Worlds by Marie Corelli]@TWC D-Link book
A Romance of Two Worlds


All the officials know him, and he gets into the guard's van as a matter of course.

Sometimes he will alight at a station en route, and walk the rest of the way.

But if he is lazily inclined, he does not stir till the train reaches its destination.

At the end of every six months or so, the railway authorities send the bill of Leo's journeyings in to his master, when it is always settled without difficulty." "And who IS his master ?" I ventured to ask.
Cellini's face grew serious and absorbed, and his eyes were full of grave contemplation as he answered: "His master, mademoiselle, is MY master--one who among men, is supremely intelligent; among teachers, absolutely unselfish; among thinkers, purely impersonal; among friends, inflexibly faithful.

To him I owe everything--even life itself.

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