[By the Ionian Sea by George Gissing]@TWC D-Link bookBy the Ionian Sea CHAPTER XVIII 2/12
From the terrace road along the shore, Via Plutino, beauties and glories indescribable lie before one at every turn of the head.
Aspromonte, with its forests and crags; the shining straits, sail-dotted, opening to a sea-horizon north and south; and, on the other side, the mountain-island, crowned with snow.
Hours long I stood and walked here, marvelling delightedly at all I saw, but in the end ever fixing my gaze on Sicily.
Clouds passed across the blue sky, and their shadows upon the Sicilian panorama made ceaseless change of hue and outline.
At early morning I saw the crest of Etna glistening as the first sun-ray smote upon its white ridges; at fall of day, the summit hidden by heavy clouds, and western beams darting from behind the mountain, those far, cold heights glimmered with a hue of palest emerald, seeming but a vision of the sunset heaven, translucent, ever about to vanish.
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