[Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia by Charles Sturt]@TWC D-Link book
Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia


We had not seen any to the westward of the marshes, and we were, consequently, led to indulge in more sanguine expectation as to our ultimate success than we had ever ventured to do before.
The party crossed to the right bank of the creek, and then moved in a westerly direction along it in search of water.

A brush extended to our right, and some broken stony ground, rather elevated, was visible, to which Mr.Hume rode; nor did he join me again until after I had halted the party for the night.
My search for water had been unsuccessful, and the sun had set, when I came upon a broad part of the creek that appeared very favourable for an encampment, as it was encompassed by high banks, and would afford the men a greater facility of watching the cattle, that I knew would stray away if they could.
My anxiety for them led me to wander down the bed of the creek, when, to my joy, I found a pond of water within a hundred yards of the tents.

It is impossible for me to describe the relief I felt at this success, or the gladness it spread among the men.

Mr.Hume joined me at dusk, and informed me that he had made a circuit, and had struck upon the creek about three miles below us but that, in tracing it up, he had not found a drop of water until he came to the pond near which we had so providentially encamped.

On the following morning, we held a westerly course over an open country for about eight miles and a half.

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