[Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia by Charles Sturt]@TWC D-Link book
Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia


29 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds, and in E.long.145 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds, the mean variation being 6.32 easterly.

It consists of two hills that appear to have been rent asunder by some convulsion of nature, since the passage between them is narrow and their inner faces are equally perpendicular.

The hill which I have named after the late Surveyor-general, is steep on all sides; but the other gradually declines from the south, and at length loses itself in a large plain that extends to the north.

It is from four to five miles in length, and is picturesque in appearance, and lightly wooded.

A few cypresses were growing on Oxley's Table Land; but it had, otherwise, very little timber upon its summit.

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