[Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia by Charles Sturt]@TWC D-Link bookTwo Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia CHAPTER II 25/55
But we now searched in vain for it, and were contented to be enabled to give our wearied animals better food than they had tasted for many days, the forest grass, though in tufts, being abundant. We brought up for the night at the edge of a scrub, having travelled from thirty-two to thirty-five miles, judging the distance from the mountains still to be about twelve. BEARINGS FROM OXLEY'S TABLE LAND. In the morning we started at an early hour, and immediately entered the brush, beneath which we had slept; pursuing a westerly course through it. After a short ride, we found ourselves upon a plain, that was crowded with flocks of cockatoos.
Here we got a supply of water, such as it was--so mixed with slime as to hang in strings between the fingers; and, after a hasty breakfast, we proceeded on our journey, mostly through a barren sandy scrub that was a perfect burrow from the number of wombats in it, to within a mile of the hill group, where the country appeared like one continuous meadow to the very base of them.
I never saw anything like the luxuriance of the grass on this tract of country, waving as it did higher than our horses' middles as we rode through it.
We ascended the S.W.
face of the mountain to an elevation of at least 800 feet above the level of the plain, and had some difficulty in scaling the masses of rock that opposed themselves to our progress.
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