[Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia by Charles Sturt]@TWC D-Link book
Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia


It was evident that the creek had been numerously frequented by the natives, although no recent traces of them could be found.

It had a bed of coarse red granite, of the fragments of which the natives had constructed a weir for the purpose of taking fish.

The appearance of this rock in so isolated a situation, is worthy of the consideration of geologists.
The promise of improvement I have noticed, gradually disappeared as we proceeded on our day's journey, and we at length found ourselves once more among brushes, and on the edge of plains, over which the rhagodia prevailed.

Nothing could exceed in dreariness the appearance of the tracks through which we journeyed, on this and the two following days.

The creek on which we depended for a supply of water, gave such alarming indications of a total failure, that I at one time, had serious thoughts of abandoning my pursuit of it.

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