[Our Friend the Charlatan by George Gissing]@TWC D-Link book
Our Friend the Charlatan


I can't promise to do it this evening; we have people to dine." Lashmar was secretly offended that Lady Ogram should give a dinner-party in which he had no place.
"Anyone coming that I know ?" he asked, off-hand.
"Let me see.

Yes, there's Mrs.Toplady--and Lord Dymchurch--" Dyce exclaimed: "What an extraordinary thing! Dymchurch, who never went anywhere, seems all at once to be living in the thick of the world.

The other day, I found him at Mrs.Toplady's, drinking tea.

Was it there he came to know Lady Ogram ?" "Yes." Constance smiled.

"Lady Ogram, you remember, much wished to meet him." "And he dines here?
I can't understand it." "You are not very complimentary;" said Constance, with dry amusement.
"You know what I mean.

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