[Our Friend the Charlatan by George Gissing]@TWC D-Link bookOur Friend the Charlatan CHAPTER XIII 4/34
She was pleased So far, so good.
You have had Mrs.Toplady's card for the evening of the 13th ?" "I have." "One of the Liberal whips will be there--an opportunity for you." Every time he saw her, Constance seemed to be drier and more laconic. Their intercourse promised to illustrate to the full his professed ideal of relation between man and woman in friendship; every note of difference in sex would soon be eliminated, if indeed that point were not already attained. "Won't you sit down ?" asked Miss Bride, carelessly; for Dyce had thrown hat and stick aside, and was moving about with his hands in his pockets. "But you're busy." "Not particularly." "How is our friend ?" "Lady Ogram? Pretty well, I think, but overtaxing herself.
I don't think she'll be able to stay here long.
It certainly wouldn't be wise." "Of course it's on her niece's account.
By the bye--" Dyce paused before Constance's chair--"where has this niece sprung from? You told me she hadn't a relative in the world." "So she believed.
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