[Our Friend the Charlatan by George Gissing]@TWC D-Link book
Our Friend the Charlatan


I don't know what they tell her, but I notice that she isn't quite herself this last day or two." "Wonderful old lady, isn't she ?" Dyce exclaimed.
"Oh, wonderful! You have known her for a long time, haven't you ?" "No, not very long.

But we have talked so much, and agree so well in our views, that I think of her as quite an old friend .-- What can I get you?
Do you like iced coffee ?" Dyce seated her, and tended upon her as though no such thing as a "method" with women had ever entered his mind.

His demeanour was lamentably old-fashioned.

What it lacked in natural grace, Miss Tomalin was not critical enough to perceive.
"How nice it will be," she suddenly remarked, "when you are in Parliament! Of course you will invite us to tea on the terrace, and all that kind of thing." "I'm sure I hope I shall have the chance.

My election is by no means a certainty, you know.

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