[Our Friend the Charlatan by George Gissing]@TWC D-Link book
Our Friend the Charlatan


With brow knitted, she stared out into the street, and presently asked: "Have you seen Lady Ogram ?" "Yes." "I thought you told me that she would have no one with her but her secretary?
Why did you say that ?" "Because I didn't know that she bed a newly-discovered niece.

It seems that you have heard of it.

Perhaps you have met her ?" "Not yet; Mrs.Toplady told me." "And you take it for granted that I had deliberately concealed the niece from you ?" said Lashmar, with an amused air.

"Pray, why should I have done so ?" "No, no, I thought nothing of the kind," replied Mrs.Woolstan, in a conciliating tone.

"Indeed I didn't! It's only that I felt vexed not to have heard the story from you first.

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