[Our Friend the Charlatan by George Gissing]@TWC D-Link book
Our Friend the Charlatan


A few days later, Lashmar found on his breakfast table a copy of the _Hollingford Express_, blue-pencilled at an editorial paragraph which he read with interest.

The leaded lines announced that Hollingford Liberalism was at length waking up, that a campaign was being quietly but vigorously organised, and that a meeting of active politicians would shortly be held for the purpose of confirming a candidature which had already met with approval in influential circles.

The same post brought a letter from Mr.Breakspeare, "Will you," asked the editor, "name a convenient date for meeting your friends and supporters?
Say, about the 20th of this month.

I am working up enthusiasm.

We shall take the public room at the Saracen's Head.

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