[Denzil Quarrier by George Gissing]@TWC D-Link book
Denzil Quarrier


He looked away and laughed.
"Oh, of course I had; who hasn't--that knows anything of the world?
But," he changed the subject, "don't you find it rather dull, living in a place like Polterham ?" "I have my work here." "Work ?--the work of propagandism ?" "Precisely.

It would be pleasant enough to live in London, and associate with people of my own way of thinking; but what's the good ?--there's too much of that centralization.

The obscurantists take very good care to spread themselves.

Why shouldn't those who love the light try to keep little beacons going in out-of-the-way places ?" "Well, do you make any progress ?" "Oh, I think so.

The mere fact of my existence here ensures that.

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