[Denzil Quarrier by George Gissing]@TWC D-Link book
Denzil Quarrier


He had noticed the evening before that, in standing to address an audience, she looked anything but ridiculous--spite of bonnet.

Here too, though allowing her surprise to be seen, she had the bearing of perfect self-possession, and perhaps of conscious superiority.

Fawn-coloured hair, less than luxuriant, lay in soft folds and plaits on the top of her head; possibly (the thought was not incongruous) she hoped to gain half an inch of seeming stature.
They shook hands, and Denzil explained his object in calling.
"Then you are going to settle at Polterham ?" "Probably--that is, to keep an abode here." "You are not married, I think, Mr.Quarrier ?" "No." "There was a report at the Institute last night--may I speak of it ?" "Political?
I don't think it need be kept a secret.

My brother-in-law wishes me to make friends with the Liberals, in his place." "I dare say you will find them very willing to meet your advances.

On one question you have taken a pretty safe line." "Much to your disgust," said Denzil, who found himself speaking very freely and inclined to face debatable points.
"Disgust is hardly the word.

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