160/166 It therefore gives him more to say to you about it." "About its making me his stepmother-in-law--or whatever I SHOULD become ?" Over which, for a little, she not undivertedly mused. "Yes, there may easily be enough for a gentleman to say to a young woman about that." "Well, Amerigo can always be, according to the case, either as funny or as serious as you like; and whichever he may be for you, in sending you a message, he'll be it ALL." And then as the girl, with one of her so deeply and oddly, yet so tenderly, critical looks at him, failed to take up the remark, he found himself moved, as by a vague anxiety, to add a question. "Don't you think he's charming ?" "Oh, charming," said Charlotte Stant. "If he weren't I shouldn't mind." "No more should I!" her friend harmoniously returned. |