132/166 "How can you tell whether if you did you would ?" It was ambiguous for an instant, as she showed she felt. "I mean when it's a question of learning, one learns sometimes too late." "I think it's a question," he promptly enough made answer, "of liking you the more just for your saying these things. You should make something," he added, "of my liking you." "I make everything. But are you sure of having exhausted all other ways ?" This, of a truth, enlarged his gaze. "But what other ways ?" "Why, you've more ways of being kind than anyone I ever knew." "Take it then," he answered, "that I'm simply putting them all together for you." She looked at him, on this, long again--still as if it shouldn't be said she hadn't given him time or had withdrawn from his view, so to speak, a single inch of her surface. |