[Alice of Old Vincennes by Maurice Thompson]@TWC D-Link book
Alice of Old Vincennes


"Gaspard, Gaspard!" Her voice fairly lifted the roof; her great weight, hurled with such force, overturned everybody, and all of them tumbled in a heap, the rotund and solid dame sitting on top.
"Ouf! not so impetuous, my dear," puffed M.Roussillon, freeing himself from her unpleasant pressure and scrambling to his feet.

"Really you must have fared well in my absence, Madame, you are much heavier." He laughed and lifted her up as if she had been a child, kissing her resonantly.
His gun had fallen with a great clatter.

He took it from the floor and examined it to see if it had been injured, then set it in a corner.
"I am afraid we have been making too much noise," said Alice, speaking very low.

"There is a patrol guard every night now.

If they should hear you--" "Shh!" whispered M.Roussillon, "we will be very still.

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