[Herb of Grace by Rosa Nouchette Carey]@TWC D-Link book
Herb of Grace


Mr.Charrington wishes to have Mr.Herrick to himself.

He," with another smile, "knows two are company and three are none.

Well, good people, I must not dawdle this morning, as there is so much to do;" and as Elizabeth rose from the table she gave her sister a meaning glance, and Dinah, who was like wax in Elizabeth's hands, took the hint at once.
"We are so glad you have made up your mind to stay until Tuesday," she said cordially, "for we are asking some people to come over for tennis on Monday after-noon.

Elizabeth has gone off to write the notes now." "Why on earth could she not have said so ?" thought Malcolm, with secret irritation.

But Dinah went on cheerfully-- "It will be only an informal affair; there is no time to arrange a regular garden-party.

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