[Herb of Grace by Rosa Nouchette Carey]@TWC D-Link book
Herb of Grace


"I can assure you that he is fully aware of his deficiencies." "I am not sure that he has not some physical difficulties to surmount," went on Malcolm; "but however that may be, a course of elocution and some sound advice about the management of the voice would have been of immense value.

I have always thought that every young man who intends to take holy orders should be compelled to attend elocution classes as part of the training.

You will not think me too critical in saying all this ?" But Elizabeth, with evident sincerity, assured him that she perfectly agreed with him.
They all spent the afternoon down at the Pool, and Malcolm read aloud to the sisters, while Cedric and the dogs enjoyed a nap.

When he had finished the poem--it was Browning's Christmas and Easter Eve he had been reading--Dinah thanked him with tears in her eyes.

"I never heard any one read so beautifully," she said.

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