[Herb of Grace by Rosa Nouchette Carey]@TWC D-Link book
Herb of Grace


We can post Mr.Carlyon's note.

If there is time we might go on the Downs--you will like that much better," and then Elizabeth gave him a friendly little nod.
Malcolm enjoyed his afternoon.

Brown Becky was in excellent form, and it gave him a great deal of pleasure to drive her; and then Elizabeth was so sociable and so altogether charming.

He had glanced more than once at the paper she held in her hands.

"Are you going to order all these things ?" he asked, and she had laughed in his face.
"Five-and-twenty to thirty people to entertain is rather a large order.
We have plenty of cider and fruit, and of course there will be claret cup, but we have no time to make cakes--besides, there must be a cold collation for at least a dozen." "Oh yes, I understand," he returned good-humouredly; but he was secretly surprised by the quickness with which her commissions were executed.

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