[Herb of Grace by Rosa Nouchette Carey]@TWC D-Link book
Herb of Grace


"Mr.Carlyon is certainly no loafer--he looks the incarnation of energy." "How doth the little busy D-- Improve each shining hour," chanted Cedric.

But Elizabeth would stand no more nonsense.

She called to the dogs, and warned their guest that the gong would sound in five minutes, and then marched off with her sailor hat slung on her arm, which she filled on her way to the house with Canterbury bells and blue larkspur.
The game of tennis was a great success.

Dinah sat in the shade and watched them.
There was some little difficulty in choosing partners, so Cedric said they must toss up for it, and Elizabeth fell to Mr.Carlyon.
If Malcolm felt secretly disappointed, no one guessed it.

To his surprise he and Cedric were ruthlessly beaten.
Mr.Carlyon played a masterly game, and Elizabeth ably seconded him.
Malcolm, who had always held his own on the tennis green, and was an excellent golf player, was much chagrined at his defeat.

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