[Herb of Grace by Rosa Nouchette Carey]@TWC D-Link book
Herb of Grace


"YOU DO SAY SUCH ODD THINGS" Womanhood should be the consecration of earth.
-- U.

A.Taylor In the region of domestic affections a new and ennobling motive came from Bethlehem--"that I may please God." -- Knox Little.
Elizabeth put on an air of great severity as she regarded the culprit.
"Rotherwood is about a mile and a quarter from our gate," she observed, apostrophising some midges that were dancing in a sunbeam overhead.
"You could walk there easily in twenty minutes.

It is now one o'clock, and you have been away exactly three hours and a half," and here she consulted the miniature watch that she wore as an ornament as well as for utility.

"If it be not impertinent, may we inquire why you have absented yourself the whole morning ?" "Oh, shut up, Bet," returned her brother impatiently.

"Sarcasm is not your style at all.

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