[Herb of Grace by Rosa Nouchette Carey]@TWC D-Link bookHerb of Grace CHAPTER XIII 5/15
"What a very original name! I do not believe I ever heard it before." "I daresay not, but it just suits her.
Yea--Verily, as her husband calls her." Then Elizabeth looked extremely amused. "What a droll idea! Your friends seem rather out of the common, Mr. Herrick.
I am quite impatient to make their acquaintance.
We have a large circle of friends--an inner and an outer circle--but I am always glad to add to the number." "I think you will like Verity," he returned seriously; "she is such a genuine little soul, and so fresh and original.
Oh, I am quite sure you will take to her." Malcolm spoke in such a decided manner, as though it were a foregone conclusion that Verity would be admitted to the privileged inner circle, that Elizabeth's curiosity was strongly excited. "You seem rather certain of the fact," she said perversely; "but, as my sister would tell you, I am not so easily pleased after all." "Nevertheless you will like Verity," he returned quickly.
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