[Herb of Grace by Rosa Nouchette Carey]@TWC D-Link book
Herb of Grace


"How can you say such dreadful things?
I shall begin to be afraid of you; and I have never been afraid of man, woman, or child in my life.

Shall I tell you of what I was really thinking when you turned on me in that crushing manner?
I was thinking of that poor dear girl, and how dull and moped she must be.
Mr.Herrick," rather shyly--Elizabeth never looked more charming or more irresistible than when she put on this soft, appealing manner--"do you suppose Miss Sheldon would care to stay with us while you are at the Crow's Nest.

We should so like to have her.

You see," her voice softening still more, "you have done so much for us that we want to make some return, and it would be such a pleasure." "You are very kind," he returned, and indeed he was so surprised and touched by this unexpected speech that he hardly knew how to express his sense of her thoughtfulness.

"It is good of you to think of it, and nothing would have given Anna greater pleasure, but--" "You mean she has some other engagement this summer ?" "Yes; it is a great pity.

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